Passing in class names to react components

Just for the reference, for stateless components:

// ParentComponent.js
import React from 'react';
import { ChildComponent } from '../child/ChildComponent';

export const ParentComponent = () =>
  <div className="parent-component">
    <ChildComponent className="parent-component__child">

// ChildComponent.js
import React from 'react';

export const ChildComponent = ({ className, children }) =>
  <div className={`some-css-className ${className}`}>

Will render:

<div class="parent-component">
  <div class="some-css-className parent-component__child">

In React, when you want to pass an interpreted expression, you have to open a pair of curly braces. Try:

render () {
  return (
    <button className={`pill ${ this.props.styleName }`}>

Using the classnames npm package

import classnames from 'classnames';

render() {
  return (
    <button className={classnames('pill', this.props.styleName)}>