Passing operator as a parameter

@ybungalobill posted a C++ correct answer and you should stick to it. If you want to pass the operators, functions will not work, but macros would do the work:

#define MYFUNC(lv, rv, op) ....

// Call it like this
MYFUNC('t', 'f', ||);

Be careful, macros are evil.


template<class Func> bool myfunc(char lv, char rv, Func func);

Or if you need to link it separately:

bool myfunc(char lv, char rv, std::function<bool(bool,bool)> func);

Then you can call:

myfunc('t', 'f', std::logical_or<bool>());

What you can do is define proxy operators that return specific types.

namespace detail {
    class or {
        bool operator()(bool a, bool b) {
            return a || b;
    class and {
        bool operator()(bool a, bool b) {
            return a && b;
    // etc
    class X {
        or operator||(X x) const { return or(); }
        and operator&&(X x) const { return and(); }
const detail::X boolean;
template<typename T> bool myfunc(bool a, bool b, T t) {
     return t(a, b);
// and/or
bool myfunc(bool a, bool b, std::function<bool (bool, bool)> func) {
    return func(a, b);
// example
bool result = myfunc(a, b, boolean || boolean);

You can if desperate chain this effect using templates to pass complex logical expressions.

Also, the XOR operator is bitwise, not logical- although the difference is realistically nothing.

However, there's a reason that lambdas exist in C++0x and it's because this kind of thing flat out sucks in C++03.