Passing state as parameter to a ring handler?

In addition to what Alex described some routing frameworks for ring have a place for additional arguments which can be accessed by all handlers. In reitit this would work by putting custom objects under :data:

    [ ["/api"
      ["/math" {:get {:parameters {:query {:x int?, :y int?}}
                      :responses  {200 {:body {:total pos-int?}}}
                      :handler    (fn [{{{:keys [x y]} :query} :parameters}]
                                    {:status 200
                                     :body   {:total (+ x y)}})}}]] ]
    {:syntax    :bracket
     :exception pretty/exception
     :data      {:your-custom-data your-custom-data
                 :coercion   reitit.coercion.spec/coercion
                 :muuntaja   m/instance
                 :middleware []}}))

In your handler you're supposed to only work with :parameters, but you will be able to access your custom data by selecting :reitit.core/match and :data. The argument that the handler receives is based entirely on this:

(defrecord Match [template data result path-params path])
(defrecord PartialMatch [template data result path-params required])

I've seen this done a couple of ways. The first is using middleware that injects the state as a new key in the request map. For instance:

(defroutes main-routes
  (GET "/api/fu" [:as request]
    (rest-of-the-app (:app-state request))))

(defn app-middleware [f state]
  (fn [request]
    (f (assoc request :app-state state))))

(def app
  (-> main-routes
      (app-middleware (create-app-state))

The other approach is to replace the call to defroutes, which behind the scenes will create a handler and assign it to a var, with a function that will accept some state and then create the routes, injecting the state as parameters to function calls within the route definitions:

(defn app-routes [the-state]
    (GET "/api/fu" [] (rest-of-the-app the-state))))

(def app
  (-> (create-app-state)

Given a choice, I'd probably go with the second approach.