Payment Gateway code example
Example: paygate payment gateway integration
Points for paygate payment gateway integration
1. Your PayGateID assigned by PayGate. If the ID is not provided, then it will
default to the testing ID ( 10011072130 ).
2. The encryption key set in the Merchant Access Portal. If the encryption key
is not provided, then it will default to the testing key ( 'secret' )
3. Currency code of the currency the customer is paying in. If the curency code
is not provided, then it will default to South Africa Rand. ( 'ZAR' )
Refer to
4. Country code of the country the customer is paying from. If the country code
is not provided, then it will default to South Africa. ( 'ZAF' )
Refer to
5. The locale code identifies to PayGate the customer’s language. If the locale
is not provided or supported, then PayGate will default to the “en” locale.
6. Once the transaction is completed, PayWeb will return the customer to a page
on your web site. The page the customer must see is specified in this field.
7. If the notify URL field is populated, then PayWeb will post to the notify
URL immediately when the transaction is completed.
reference : Refer to