PCA memory error in Sklearn: Alternative Dim Reduction?

In the end, I used TruncatedSVD instead of PCA, which is capable of handling large matrices without memory issues:

from sklearn import decomposition

n_comp = 250
svd = decomposition.TruncatedSVD(n_components=n_comp, algorithm='arpack')

train_features = svd.transform(train_features)
test_features = svd.transform(test_features)

You Could use IncrementalPCA available in SK learn. from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA. Rest of the interface is same as PCA. You need to pass an extra argument batch_size, which needs to <= #components.

However, in case there is a need to apply a non linear version like KernelPCA there does not seem to be a support for the something similar. KernelPCA absolutely explodes in it's memory requirement, see this article about Non Linear Dimensionality Reduction on Wikipedia