PDF.js CORS issue
Finally found the problem. My server was not passing the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
header to the response, which was needed (xhr request was sent with xhr.withCredential
CORS is now working properly.
Found the solution at: https://www.nczonline.net/blog/2010/05/25/cross-domain-ajax-with-cross-origin-resource-sharing/
PDF.js community is not helpful, and years later still no definitive answer to get the viewer.html working, with cors. To bypass all the JS code preventing you from cross browser issues, you can do these steps:
This solution is to use their default viewer.html, which is already nicely done, with css and all features), and NOT HAVE TO build your entire viewer itself.
- Ensure when you use pdf.js, your request sends header - ORIGIN
- Ensure whatever server you are using, you can append headers for CORS,
IE: Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
As you know, to use the viewer, you should use: https://yourserver/dir/viewer.html?file=PDF_URL
the URL of pdf should be urlencoded so when you pass the link, use the code:
var urlEncoded = encodeURI(url);
Edit viewer.js
Search for the function which loads your PDF file/URL (line ~1325): "var loadingTask = (0, _pdfjsLib.getDocument)" or "getDocument"
Above that line, get the url for the pdf from the get params, when you called viewer.html?file=url (which may have get params, if you use CDN servers):
fetch the filename and params from the [viewer.html?file=some.place/on.the/internet/somefile.pdf?Expiry=2343243&somekey=3342343&other], which is the part [some.place/on.the/internet/somefile.pdf?Expiry=2343243&somekey=3342343&other]
Note: Use regex if you please.... Here is just for simplicity sake
let _realURL = window.location.href;
// split away the html and get the file=xxxx
let getParamsIndex = _realURL.indexOf("?");
let fileParamKeyValue = _realURL.substring(getParamsIndex+1);
// get the pdf file plus all it's required get params (if exists)
let getEqualsIndex = fileParamKeyValue.indexOf("=");
let pdfFile = fileParamKeyValue.substring(getEqualsIndex+1);
//original line to search
loadingTask = (0, _pdfjsLib.getDocument)(parameters);
- Now you have the pdf file, you change the existing code as below:
//don't use this which breaks if your pdf requires get parameters
//var loadingTask = (0, _pdfjsLib.getDocument)(parameters);
//uses the pdfFile url link we created above
var loadingTask = (0, _pdfjsLib.getDocument)(pdfFile);
- Search for "throw new Error('file origin does not match", about line 1865
- Comment out this javascript check for file origin
if (fileOrigin !== viewerOrigin) {
//don't throw the error, allow the file to be retrieved!!!!
//throw new Error('file origin does not match viewer\'s');
- Note: on line 1853, you will see -
var HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS = ['null', 'http://mozilla.github.io', 'https://mozilla.github.io'];
You could use this to specify specific servers to allow for CORS, but by disabling the throws exception, you can accept any server. Anyways, why would they even put this HOSTED_VIEWER_ORIGINS in the base code, if they wanted us to use it?