Performing union with three queries - SQLAlchemy

The solution is following:

query1 = query1.filter( == "")
query2 = query2.filter(model.tenant_id.in_(tenant_ids))
query3 = query3.filter(model.tenant_id == context.tenant_id)
query = query1.union(query2,query3)

This is how I did this in SQLAlchemy 1.3

from sqlalchemy import union

query1 = query1.filter( == "")
query2 = query2.filter(model.tenant_id.in_(tenant_ids))
query3 = query3.filter(model.tenant_id == context.tenant_id)

all_queries = [query1, query2, query3]
golden_set = union(*all_queries)

The change here is that the union method accepts a list of SQLAlchemy selectables.