Periodic Orbits of the MacKay Map
Progress can be made as follows. First, define
q = Rationalize[2.382163 - 2*0.8390658634208773 - (0.8390658634208773)^2, 10^-16]
α = Rationalize[2*0.8390658634208773, 10^-16]
f[{x_, y_}] := {q - α x - x^2 - y, x}
(* -(30/120000011) *)
(* 94448583/56281984 *)
where q
and α
are Rationalize
d for improved accuracy at larger m
Obtaining all periodic orbits for small m
To gain insight, next compute some small m
periodic orbits. Not surprisingly, there are two m == 1
Collect[Nest[f, {x, y}, 1], {x, y}, Simplify];
Solve[% == {x, y}, {x, y}, Reals] // N
(* {{x -> -6.79693*10^-8, y -> -6.79693*10^-8}, {x -> -3.67813, y -> -3.67813}} *)
There are no additional periodic orbits for m == 2
. For m == 3
, however,
Collect[Nest[f, {x, y}, 3], {x, y}, Simplify];
Solve[% == {x, y}, {x, y}, Reals] // N
(* {{x -> -2.01472, y -> -2.01472}, {x -> -2.01472, y -> 1.33659},
{x -> -1.01472, y -> 0.336588}, {x -> 0.336588, y -> -1.01472},
{x -> 0.336588, y -> 0.336588}, {x -> 1.33659, y -> -2.01472},
{x -> -3.67813, y -> -3.67813}, {x -> -6.79693*10^-8, y -> -6.79693*10^-8}} *)
in other words, the two m == 1
solutions plus two m == 3
periodic orbits.
NestList[f, {x, y} /. %[[1]], 2]
(* {{-2.01472, -2.01472}, {1.33659, -2.01472}, {-2.01472, 1.33659}} *)
NestList[f, {x, y} /. %%[[5]], 2]
(* {{0.336588, 0.336588}, {-1.01472, 0.336588}, {0.336588, -1.01472}} *)
Note that each periodic orbit contains at least one element in which y == x
to roundoff. Periodic orbits for other small m
exhibit the same behavior, which is useful in computing results for larger m
. For instance, for m == 5
Nest[Collect[f[#], x, Simplify] &, {x, x}, 5];
x /. N[Solve[PolynomialGCD @@ (% - {x, x}) == 0, x, Reals]]
(* {-3.67813, -6.79693*10^-8, -3.39749, -0.0947348, 0.114092, 0.765007} *)
in other words, the two m = 1
periodic orbits plus two m == 5
periodic orbits.
NestList[f, {#, #}, 4] & /@ %[[3 ;;]]
(* {{{-3.39749, -3.39749}, {-2.44401, -3.39749}, {1.52568, -2.44401}, {-2.44401, 1.52568}, {-3.39749, -2.44401}},
{{-0.0947348, -0.0947348}, {0.244737, -0.0947348}, {-0.375863, 0.244737}, {0.244737, -0.375863}, {-0.0947348, 0.244737}},
{{0.114092, 0.114092}, {-0.31857, 0.114092}, {0.319023, -0.31857}, {-0.31857, 0.319023}, {0.114092, -0.31857}},
{{0.765007, 0.765007}, {-2.63402, 0.765007}, {-3.28285, -2.63402}, {-2.63402, -3.28285}, {0.765007, -2.63402}}} *)
(Comparing the elements of the four periodic orbits indicates that only two of the four are distinct.) The same can be done for m == 10
, although the computation takes about a minute.
Nest[Collect[f[#], x, Simplify] &, {x, x}, 10];
x /. N[Solve[PolynomialGCD @@ (% - {x, x}) == 0, x, Reals]]
(* {-3.67813, -6.79693*10^-8, -3.39749, -0.0947348, 0.114092, 0.765007,
-3.67077, -3.63341, -3.62913, -3.45167, -2.39583, -2.31377, -1.99886,
-1.94355, -0.513838, -0.455277, 0.3894, 0.684764, 0.695785, 0.777747} *)
Comparing m == 5
and m == 10
results shows that the m == 10
results include two m == 1
, two m == 5
, and seven m == 10
periodic orbits. (The rest are redundant.) For instance,
ListPlot[NestList[f, {x, x} /. x -> %[[19]], 9], PlotRange -> All]
Obtaining individual periodic orbits for large m
The approach described above, although both comprehensive and elegant, becomes slower for progressively larger m
, and eventually is prohibitively slow. Then, one must revert to FindRoot
. However, as seen above, guesses with x == y
can be used without loss of generality, and the majority of periodic orbits obtained will be of period m
, rather than periods that are prime factors of m
or one. As an example, an m == 10
periodic orbit can be obtained by
FindRoot[Nest[f, {x, y}, 10] == {x, y}, {x, 0.7}, {y, 0.7}, Evaluated -> False]
NestList[f, {x, y} /. %, 9]
Length@Union[%, SameTest -> (Norm[#1 - #2] < 10^-4 &)]
(* {x -> 0.843047, y -> 0.1883} *)
(* {{0.843047, 0.1883}, {-2.31377, 0.843047}, {-2.31377, -2.31377},
{0.843047, -2.31377}, {0.1883, 0.843047}, {-1.1945, 0.1883},
{0.3894, -1.1945}, {0.3894, 0.3894}, {-1.1945, 0.3894}, {0.1883, -1.1945}} *)
(* 10 *)
The third line of code above returns the order of the periodic orbit, in this case 10
, as desired. If 5
or 1
had been returned, it would have been necessary to try another guess, again with x == y
Addendum: Obtaining all periodic orbits for broader range of small m
The second and fourth values of x
in the m == 5
periodic orbits suggests that equating the symbolic expressions for these elements would provide an alternative, computationally more efficient approach to obtaining y == x
elements. More generally, the y == x
elements satisfy the recurrence relation
{a[-1] == x, a[0] == x, a[n + 1] + a[n - 1] == q - α a[n] - a[n]^2,
a[m - 1] == x, a[m] == x}
It is evident from the symmetry of this system that a[n] == a[m - n - 1]
. Hence, for even m
, x
should satisfy symbolic expression for a[m/2] == a[m/2 - 1]
and, for odd m
, a[(m + 1)/2] == a[(m - 3)/2]
. Because the order of the polynomial represented by a[n]
is given by 2^n
, these equations offer a significant advantage over those given in the first section of this answer. As examples, for m == 16
x /. Solve[Nest[f, {x, x}, 8][[1]] == Nest[f, {x, x}, 7][[1]], x, Reals] // N
yields 44 solutions in about 22 seconds, while for m == 17
x /. Solve[Nest[f, {x, x}, 9][[1]] == Nest[f, {x, x}, 7][[1]], x, Reals] // N
yields 102 solutions, although only after 31 minutes. Hence, m == 16
appears to be the practical limit for this alternative approach. For larger m
, obtaining individual periodic orbits with FindRoot
seems necessary. For completeness, below is a plot of the nineteenth periodic orbit for m == 16
, determined from the equation immediately above.
ListPlot[NestList[f, {x, x} /. x -> %[[19]], 16], PlotRange -> All]
Response to Comment on very large m
In a recent comment below, the OP asked about the applicability of my large-m procedure to m == 4181
. Here are some results.
FindRoot[Nest[f, {x, y}, 4181] == {x, y}, {x, 0.09, .1}, {y, 0.09, .1}, Evaluated -> False]
a4181 = NestList[f, {x, y} /. %, 4180];
Length@Union[%, SameTest -> (Norm[#1 - #2] < 10^-5 &)]
(* {x -> -0.0391555, y -> 0.048953} *)
(* 4181 *)
Note that the secant method is used here, because it is more robust for large m
. I have found other instances as well using the same code but with different initial guesses. Each takes only few seconds.
- b4181:
{x, 0.08, 0.09}, {y, 0.08, 0.09}
yields{x -> 0.0900303, y -> 0.0800034}
- c4181:
{x, 0.19, 0.20}, {y, 0.19, 0.20}
yields{x -> 0.112999, y -> 0.166375}
- d4181:
{x, 0.192, 0.193}, {y, 0.192, 0.193}
yields{x -> 0.192852, y -> 0.192912}
- e4181:
{x, 0.13, 0.14}, {y, 0.13, 0.14}
yields{x -> -0.170454, y -> 0.344412}
ListPlot[{a4181, b4181, c4181, d4181, e4181}, AxesLabel -> {x, y}, AspectRatio -> 1]
Incidentally, it appears that most successful computations for very large m
produce m-cycle maps, as opposed to n-cycle maps, where n
is a factor of m
. (Here, factors are 37
and 113
.) On the other hand, FindRoot
is not always successful in finding a closed map.
This doesn't really address OP's question, but in response to @MarcoB's comment, here's a much easier way to simulate the dynamics and find cycles based on Nest
q = 2.382163 - 2*0.8390658634208773 - (0.8390658634208773)^2;
α = 2*0.8390658634208773;
(* define map *)
f[{x_, y_}] := {q - α x - x^2 - y, x};
You can use NestList
to simulate the dynamics easily:
NestList[f, {0.114092, 0.114092}, 5]
(* {{0.114092, 0.114092}, {-0.318571, 0.114092}, {0.319024, -0.318571}, {-0.31857, 0.319024}, {0.114092, -0.31857}, {0.114092, 0.114092}} *)
just gives the final point, so we can make an m
-step ahead map using it:
(* m-step ahead map *)
ff[{x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ}, m_] := Nest[f, {x, y}, m]
To find an m
-period solution, use FindRoot
FindRoot[ff[{x, y}, 5] == {x, y}, {x, 0.1}, {y, 0.1}]
(* {x -> 0.114092, y -> 0.114092} *)
However the main question remains:
cyc = FindRoot[ff[{x, y}, 10] == {x, y}, {x, 0.1}, {y, 0.1}]
(* {x -> 0.114092, y -> 0.114092} *)
ListPlot[NestList[f, {x, y} /. cyc, 10]]
Of course, a 5-point cycle is a 10-point cycle as well, so you need a different initial guess to find another, real 10-point cycle. Without delving into the paper, I wonder if there necessarily even is an m
-point cycle for arbitrary m