Permissions Declaration Form still showing in Google Play Console even with updated APK uploaded without READ_CALL_LOG


  • "No" option was removed since mid March (see details in comments), so the suggested solution doesn't work anymore.

Solution (does NOT work since mid March)

  • Upload app binary without sensitive permissions inside, i.e. remove their usage from the app.
  • Submit this version with "No" selected for Compliance Status at "Permissions Declaration Form". Note: at this stage you will see the warning "You must meet the permissions policy..."
  • For the next version all warnings will disappear as soon as app will be submitted. Hence, on the next app upload -- no warning and forms will be appread.

P.S. Unfortunately, there was no options found how to avoid the form at all without app version release.

As stated in comments there isn't a "No" option anymore since mid March 2019.

AFAIC that's because "Google" scans all APKs for included permissions which in fact should make the whole process simpler instead of more confusing.

The solution for me was to check all releases if they contain old APKs and remove/update them first.

In my case it was a very old release down in the internal test track (below Alpha release track). To fix that I had to create a new internal test release with the new APK (the one without the permissions) and deactivate the old APK.

Remember to check that for all stale releases. For me it was just the internal one.

After that you can create a new production release and the permission form should be gone.