Persisting a cookie based session over node-http-proxy

I did what you are asking by manually looking at the response, seeing if it is a set-cookie, snipping off the JSESSSIONID, storing it in a variable, and passing it on all subsequent requests as a header. This way the reverse proxy acts as a cookie.

on('proxyReq', function(proxyReq){ proxyReq.setHeader('cookie', 'sessionid=' + cookieSnippedValue) 

Hi @tomswift does your local server run on http protocol, but the session cookie receive from the remote server carry with Secure; like:

[ 'JSESSIONID=COOKIEWITHSECURE98123; Path=/;HttpOnly;Secure;']

If so, before your local server response to the client, extract set-cookie from the original response(response from remote server to local server) header, remove the Secure; and put the rest of it into the proxy response (response from local server to client ) header like:


then the client will take the session cookie automatically.

Hope it may help.