\pgfmathparse returns a phantom .0.0
From the PGF manual, section 90.2.6, page 942 (version 3.0.0)
This function takes zero, one or two arguments. If there are zero arguments, a uniform random number between 0 and 1 is generated. If there is one argument x, a random integer between 1 and x is generated. Finally, if there are two arguments, a random integer between x and y is generated. If there are no arguments, the PGF command should be called as follows:\pgfmathrandom{}
What the manual doesn't say is that the arguments should be non negative. Indeed the simple document
that should produce no text, creates the following output
If a random number between –1 and 10 is needed, just use
This is to be considered a bug in the documentation.
I found something about this:
Firstly, pgf treats any calculation result as floating point number:
\pgfmathsetmacro{\a}{1 + 1};
\draw (\px, \py) circle(2) node[anchor=north west]{\a,\b,\c};
So, this will produce 2.0, -1.0, 1
, respectively (-1
is treated as calculating the negative of 1
Then, passing floating point to random
will result in .0
because random
only takes the integer part.
Thus, we just use random(int(-10), int(10))
, then the .0