philips hue python code example

Example: philips hue python


from phue import Bridge

b = Bridge('ip_of_your_bridge')

# If the app is not registered and the button is not pressed, press the button and call connect() (this only needs to be run a single time)

# Get the bridge state (This returns the full dictionary that you can explore)

# Prints if light 1 is on or not
b.get_light(1, 'on')

# Set brightness of lamp 1 to max
b.set_light(1, 'bri', 254)

# Set brightness of lamp 2 to 50%
b.set_light(2, 'bri', 127)

# Turn lamp 2 on
b.set_light(2,'on', True)

# You can also control multiple lamps by sending a list as lamp_id
b.set_light( [1,2], 'on', True)

# Get the name of a lamp
b.get_light(1, 'name')

# You can also use light names instead of the id
b.set_light('Kitchen', 'bri', 254)

# Also works with lists
b.set_light(['Bathroom', 'Garage'], 'on', False)

# The set_light method can also take a dictionary as the second argument to do more fancy stuff
# This will turn light 1 on with a transition time of 30 seconds
command =  {'transitiontime' : 300, 'on' : True, 'bri' : 254}
b.set_light(1, command)