PhoneGap and WhatsApp
Edit for newer cordova versions:
Use <allow-intent href="whatsapp:*" />
Old answer:
Add this line to your config.xml
<access origin="whatsapp:*" launch-external="yes" />
Or use the social sharing plugin
<button onclick="window.plugins.socialsharing.shareViaWhatsApp('Message via WhatsApp', null /* img */, null /* url */, function() {console.log('share ok')}, function(errormsg){alert(errormsg)})">msg via WhatsApp (with errcallback)</button>
First and more important, add this line to your config.xml
<allow-intent href="whatsapp:*" />
after use the code:
<a href="whatsapp://send?text=Hello%20World!">Hello, world!</a>
window.location.href = 'whatsapp://send?text=hello world';
this worked for phonegap IOS"'whatsapp://send?text=hello world'", "_system");
for android.