acf auto increment field code example
Example: acf auto increment field
function wfp_documents_setup_id_incr()
// Check if user has rights to set it up and ACF is enabled.
if (current_user_can('administrator') && function_exists('get_field')):
// Initial value
// Replace <code>custom_invoice_id</code> with your desired id name.
add_option('custom_invoice_id', '0001', '', 'yes');
* Wrapper to get the id (if i would need to add something to it)
* @return mixed|void – stored next available id
function wfp_get_current_invoice_id()
return get_option('custom_invoice_id');
* Count up the id by one and update the globally stored id
function wfp_increase_invoice_id()
$curr_invoice_id = get_option('custom_invoice_id');
$next_invoice_id = intval($curr_invoice_id) + 1;
update_option('custom_invoice_id', $next_invoice_id);
* Populate the acf field when loading it.
function wfp_auto_get_current_document_id($value, $post_id, $field)
// If the custom field already has a value in it, just return this one (we don't want to overwrite it every single time)
if ($value !== null && $value !== "") {
return $value;
// If the field is empty, get the currently stored next available id and fill it in the field.
$value = wfp_get_current_invoice_id();
return $value;
// Use ACF hooks to populate the field on load
// Replace <code>invoice_id</code> with the name of your field.
add_filter('acf/load_value/name=invoice_id', 'wfp_auto_get_current_document_id', 10, 3);
* Registers function to check if the globally stored id needs to be updated after a post is saved.
function wfp_acf_save_post($post_id)
// Check if the post had any ACF to begin with.
if (!isset($_POST['acf'])) {
$fields = $_POST['acf'];
// Only move to the next id when any ACF fields were added to that post, otherwise this might be an accident and would skip an id.
if ($_POST['_acf_changed'] == 0) {
// Next we need to find the field out id is stored in
foreach ($fields as $field_key => $value) {
$field_object = get_field_object($field_key);
* If we found our field and the value of that field is the same as our currently "next available id" –
* we need to increase this id, so the next post doesn't use the same id.
if ($field_object['name'] == "invoice_id"
&& wfp_get_current_invoice_id() == $value) {
// Use a hook to run this function every time a post is saved.
add_action('acf/save_post', 'wfp_acf_save_post', 20);
* The code below just displays the currently stored next id on an acf-options-page,
* so it's easy to see which id you're on. The field is disabled to prevent easy tinkering with the id.
function wfp_load_current_document_ids_settingspage($value, $postid, $field)
if ($field['name'] == "document_ids-group_current_invoice_id") {
return wfp_get_current_invoice_id();
return $value;
function wfp_disable_acf_field($field)
$field['disabled'] = 1;
return $field;
add_filter('acf/load_field/name=current_invoice_id', 'wfp_disable_acf_field', 10, 3);
add_filter('acf/load_value/name=current_invoice_id', 'wfp_load_current_document_ids_settingspage', 10, 3);
add_action('init', 'wfp_documents_setup_id_incr');