blade components naming convention code example
Example: laravel naming conventions
Gegasoft uses the following name conventions for laravel
Variables => camelCase => $articlesWithAuthor
Collection Variable => descriptive, plural => $activeUsers = User::active()->get()
Object Variable => descriptive, singular => $activeUser = User::active()->first()
View => snake_case => show_filtered.blade.php
Controllers => singular, ProperCase => ArticleController
Model Name => singular, ProperCase => User, FollowingRequest
Model attribute/property => snake_case => $model->created_at
Method => camelCase => getAll
Method in resource controller => table => store
Method in test class => camelCase => testGuestCannotSeeArticle
hasOne/belongsTo relation => singular => articleComment
Other relations => plural => articleComments
Table Name => plural => article_comments
Table column => snake_case without model name => meta_title
Route => plural => articles/1
Named route => snake_case with dot notation => users.show_active
Primary key => - => id
Foreign key => singular model name with _id suffix => article_id
Pivot table => singular model names in alphabetical order => article_user
Migration => - => 2017_01_01_000000_create_articles_table
Config and language files index => snake_case => articles_enabled
Config => snake_case => google_calendar.php
Contract (interface) => adjective or noun => Authenticatable
Trait => adjective => Notifiable