cakephp ->merge() code example
Example 1: Hash::extract
$data = Array(
[0] => Array (
[Product] => Array (
[id] => 5
[product_number] => RT001C
[1] => Array (
[Product] => Array (
[id] => 7
[product_number] => RC001C
$data = Hash::extract($data, '{n}.Product');
$data = Array(
[0] => Array (
[id] => 5
[product_number] => RT001C
[1] => Array (
[id] => 7
[product_number] => RC001C
Example 2: cakephp extract array
According to the documentation: "Tokens are composed of two groups. Expressions, are used to traverse the array data, while matchers are used to qualify elements.".
{n}[rating>-1] is considered one token.
{n} is the expression which filters the array keys, in this case the key must be numeric.
[rating>-1] is the matcher which filters the array elements, in this case the element must be an array that contains a key named rating and an associated value that is greater than -1.
Once you have the array element then you can get the rating.
$ratings = array(
'Rating' => array(
'id' => 4,
'rating' => -1
'id' => 14,
'rating' => 9.7
'id' => 26,
'rating' => 9.55
print_r( Hash::extract($ratings, 'Rating.{n}[rating>-1].rating') );
Results in:
Array ( [0] => 9.7 [1] => 9.55 )