controller command in laravel code example

Example 1: laravel create controller

php artisan make:controller MyController

Example 2: laravel create controller command

php artisan make:controller UserController

Example 3: run artisan command from controller

If you have simple job to do you can do it from route file. 
For example you want to clear cache. In terminal it would be php artisan 
cache:clear In route file that would be:


Example 4: route resource laravel

Verb          Path                        Action  Route Name
GET           /users                      index   users.index
GET           /users/create               create  users.create
POST          /users                      store
GET           /users/{user}               show
GET           /users/{user}/edit          edit    users.edit
PUT|PATCH     /users/{user}               update  users.update
DELETE        /users/{user}               destroy users.destroy

Example 5: laravel create resource controller

php artisan make:controller PhotoController --resource --model=Photo

Example 6: laravel resource controller create example

        * Store a newly created resource in storage.
        * @return Response
    public function store()
        // validate
        // read more on validation at
        $rules = array(
            'name'       => 'required',
            'email'      => 'required|email',
            'shark_level' => 'required|numeric'
        $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);

        // process the login
        if ($validator->fails()) {
            return Redirect::to('sharks/create')
        } else {
            // store
            $shark = new shark;
            $shark->name       = Input::get('name');
            $shark->email      = Input::get('email');
            $shark->shark_level = Input::get('shark_level');

            // redirect
            Session::flash('message', 'Successfully created shark!');
            return Redirect::to('sharks');


Php Example