PHP: date "Yesterday", "Today"
You have to compare day with day, secondes comparaison are totally wrong :
If we are today morning, that means yesterday night is today (by minus 24h) ^^
Here a method I use for Kinoulink ( a french startup ) :
public function formatDateAgo($value)
$time = strtotime($value);
$d = new \DateTime($value);
$weekDays = ['Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi', 'Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi', 'Dimanche'];
$months = ['Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril',' Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Aout', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre'];
if ($time > strtotime('-2 minutes'))
return 'Il y a quelques secondes';
elseif ($time > strtotime('-30 minutes'))
return 'Il y a ' . floor((strtotime('now') - $time)/60) . ' min';
elseif ($time > strtotime('today'))
return $d->format('G:i');
elseif ($time > strtotime('yesterday'))
return 'Hier, ' . $d->format('G:i');
elseif ($time > strtotime('this week'))
return $weekDays[$d->format('N') - 1] . ', ' . $d->format('G:i');
return $d->format('j') . ' ' . $months[$d->format('n') - 1] . ', ' . $d->format('G:i');
function get_day_name($timestamp) {
$date = date('d/m/Y', $timestamp);
if($date == date('d/m/Y')) {
$date = 'Today';
else if($date == date('d/m/Y',now() - (24 * 60 * 60))) {
$date = 'Yesterday';
return $date;
print date('G:i:s', $last_access).' '.get_day_name($last_access);
I would find the timestap for last midnight and the one before it, if $last_access
is between the two timestamps, then display yesterday, anything greater than last midnight's timestamp would be today...
I believe that would be the quicker than doing date arithmetic.
Actually, I just tested this code and it seems to work great:
if ($last_access >= strtotime("today"))
echo "Today";
else if ($last_access >= strtotime("yesterday"))
echo "Yesterday";