different rest api methods code example
Example 1: http methods
getting data in the server
adding data to the server
we need to provide the data in the format
the document specify
and tell exactly what type if data we are sending
defined by Content-Type Header
Common status code for successful POST is
201 Created -- you will have response body
Put is used to update the exsisting data from the server
difference between PUT and POST
POST is adding new data
so the URL will be /api/spartans
PUT is updating existing data
so the URL will be /api/spartan/validIDNumberHere
provide updated data
provide the contenttype of the data you are sending to update
common status code for successful PUT request
is 204 NO-CONTENT , it has no response body
204 means it was updated successfully
Delete method is used to delete the data from the server
Request URL will /api/spartan/theValidID
common status code for successful Delete request
is 204 NO-CONTENT , it has no response body
204 means it was deleted successfully
Example 2: types of method in api
GET is used for reading and retrieving data.
POST is used for inserting data.
PUT is used for updating data.
DELETE is used for deleting data.
The primary or most-commonly-used HTTP verbs (or methods, as they are properly called) are POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. These correspond to create, read, update, and delete (or CRUD) operations, respectively.