dont show php warnings errors or anything code example
Example: php error reporting
/* Answer to: "php error reporting" */
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
What do these lines of code do exactly?
The ini_set function will try to override the configuration found
in your PHP ini file.
The display_errors and display_startup_errors are just two of the
directives that are available. The display_errors directive will
determine if the errors will be displayed or hidden to the user.
Usually, the dispay_errors directive should be turned off after
The display_startup_errors, however, is a separate directive
because the display_errors doesn’t handle the errors that will be
encountered during PHP’s startup sequence. The list of the
directives that can be overridden by the ini_set function is found
in the official documentation.