PHP dynamically create CSV: Skip the first line of a CSV file

Rather than using if condition for checking whether it is the first row, a better solution is to just add an extra line of code before the line from where the while loop starts as shown below :

fgetcsv($handle);//Adding this line will skip the reading of th first line from the csv file and the reading process will begin from the second line onwards
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {

It is just as simple......

As you are keeping track of the row number anyway, you can use continue to skip the rest of the loop for the first row.

For example, add this at the start of your while loop (just above $num = count($data)):

if($row == 1){ $row++; continue; }

There are other ways to do this, but just make sure that when you continue, $row is still being incremented or you'll get an infinite loop!

Please use the following lines of code

$flag = true;
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
if($flag) { $flag = false; continue; }
//your code for insert

Having the flag variable as true and setting it to false will skip the first line of the CSV file. This is simple and easy to implement.

put this inside your while loop:

if ($row == 1) continue;