edit word content with php code example

Example: word edit php

 * https://stackoverflow.com/a/65703321/13779574
 * https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPWord 
 * I also did this problem in phpword using the following code
  $templateProcessor = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor('demo.docx');
  $templateProcessor->setValue('name', 'Akbarali');
  $templateProcessor->setValue('month', 'January');
 * This will change the words in the demo.docx file. 
 * The new file is then saved in the word.docx file folder. 
 * You can define variables in the form of $ {name} in the demo word file. 
 * That is, ${name}, ${time}, ${month} and ${state}


Php Example