php get location code example

Example 1: php get location from ip address

$details = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$ip}/json"));
echo $details->city; // -> "Mountain View"

Example 2: php get location of user

//Gets the IP Address from the visitor
//Uses to get the location of the IP Address, you can use another site but it will probably have a different implementation
$json     = file_get_contents("$PublicIP/geo");
//Breaks down the JSON object into an array
$json     = json_decode($json, true);
//This variable is the visitor's county
$country  = $json['country'];
//This variable is the visitor's region
$region   = $json['region'];
//This variable is the visitor's city
$city     = $json['city'];

Example 3: php get file location

# C:\Users\Redacted\Desktop\main.php
include __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include.php';

# C:\Users\Redacted\Desktop\include.php
function echoScriptPath() {
    list($scriptPath) = get_included_files();
    echo 'The script being executed is ' . $scriptPath;


Misc Example