get post slug wpapi code example

Example: wpapi get post by author

// Find a page with a specific slug
wp.pages().slug( 'about' )...

// Find a post authored by the user with ID #42
wp.posts().author( 42 )...

// Find trashed posts
wp.posts().status( 'trash' )...

// Find posts in status "future" or "draft"
wp.posts().status([ 'draft', 'future' ])...

// Find all categories containing the word "news"
wp.categories().search( 'news' )...

// Find posts from March 2013 (provide a Date object or full ISO-8601 date):
wp.posts().before( '2013-04-01T00:00:00.000Z' ).after( new Date( 'March 01, 2013' ) )...

// Return ONLY sticky posts
wp.posts().sticky( true )...

// Return NO sticky posts
wp.posts().sticky( false )...

// Supply the password for a password-protected post
wp.posts().id( 2501 ).password( 'correct horse battery staple' )...


Php Example