how to check if something is in an array php code example

Example 1: check if array has value php

$myArr = [38, 18, 10, 7, "15"];

echo in_array(10, $myArr); // TRUE
echo in_array(19, $myArr); // TRUE

// Without strict check
echo in_array("18", $myArr); // TRUE
// With strict check
echo in_array("18", $myArr, true); // FALSE

Example 2: in_array in php

in_array ( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE ] ) : bool
// Without strict check
echo in_array("18", $myArr); // TRUE
// With strict check
echo in_array("18", $myArr, true); // FALSE

Example 3: check if any values are the same in an array php

if(count(array_unique($array, SORT_REGULAR)) < count($array)) {
    // $array has duplicates
} else {
    // $array does not have duplicates


Php Example