how to concatenate a varible with string in php code example
Example 1: how to combine variables and text into a string php
$number = 8;
$txt = "the number is".$number.", ok?"; //Use a dot to combine
echo $txt;
Example 2: php concatenate variables to function
public function getAvg(string $var) {
# A sample from a game I wrote.
# Concatenatin on the other side is just {stuff.$var}
# You can also concatenate multiple variables in a varaible:
# {$varA.$varb}
$min = $this->{$var._min};
# Assigns to $min object property matching $var + '_min' string.
$max = $this->{$var._max};
# Assigns to $max object property matching $var + '_max' string.
$avg = (($min + $max) / 2);
return round($avg);