PHP how to loop through a post array

for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['NAME']); $i++)
   echo $_POST['NAME'][$i];


foreach ($_POST['NAME'] as $value)
    echo $value;

Replace NAME with element name eg stuff or more_stuff

Likely, you'll also need the values of each form element, such as the value selected from a dropdown or checkbox.

 foreach( $_POST as $stuff => $val ) {
     if( is_array( $stuff ) ) {
         foreach( $stuff as $thing) {
             echo $thing;
     } else {
         echo $stuff;
         echo $val;

This is how you would do it:

foreach( $_POST as $stuff ) {
    if( is_array( $stuff ) ) {
        foreach( $stuff as $thing ) {
            echo $thing;
    } else {
        echo $stuff;

This looks after both variables and arrays passed in $_POST.


