laravel execute job queue manually code example
Example 1: laravel run a specific queue by name
Execute Laravel queues by queue names on coomand line interface->
// I was using running command
'php artisan queue:work'
// which was not running my queued jobs in jobs table.
// Then i relaized, it was only working for jobs with queue column value = 'default'
// and i had given names like sendemail, inboxemail etc.
// So when i changed this other value to 'default' in queue column in jobs table,
// this job ran instantly as i have opended cli and php artisan queue:work
// command was active.
//So if you want to run only a specific queue by queue name, run command ->
php artisan queue:listen --queue=sendemail
// or
php artisan queue:listen --queue=inboxemail
Example 2: execute job callback laravel
Queue::after(function (JobProcessed $event) {
// $event->connectionName
// $event->job
// $event->job->payload()