Apple - PHP not working after upgrading to OS Mojave

I had the same problem - it's based on mod_userdir exclusion after updating to Mac OS X Mojave. There are a few steps to repair that:

  1. Load the module mod_userdir in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  2. At the end of the httpd.conf make sure to load httpd-userdir.conf
  3. In httpd-userdir.conf include a local file in /etc/apache2/users/<username>.conf
  4. Put a directory section into that file, containing the rules for the directory where your webserver files are located:

    <Directory "/Users/<myusername>/Sites/">
        AllowOverride All
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        Require all granted

This should set you up.

The Mojave update (or re-install) overwrites the apache directory but left my old configs with the ~previous suffix left.

I did edit a lot of previous files in my apache path /private/etc/apache2. These files were renamed to like httpd.conf~previous and a new httpd.conf has taken place.

I just renamed files, restart my apache and everything is working like before now. It wasn't every previous file, as i knew i did not edited all of them.

In my case also the /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf~previous had to get back in place