PHP not working in XAMPP

Create a folder in htdocs like "test".

Then in test put index.php with a simple Echo 'Hello';

Then on your browser (make sure apache + mysql are running in control panel).

Visit this in your browser:


If your trying to connect via your IP then your router must be stopping it so you have to sort the settings out. I don't know your router make/model you better off asking their support forums.

Personally i stuck with port 80. 80 doesn't work in windows 7 because a service is using it. How ever, its a simple fix, just go to "Services" and disable "World Wide Web Publishing Service". Then port 80 is free to use on localhost. (Don't worry your internet will work just fine disabling that service). It'll auto re-enable on next boot so you have to remember that.

If I got your question correctly, I think I had the same problem accessing a php file in XAMPP. I have been online for several hours searching forums and Google for the answer, not until I found the simple solution.

I was accessing the PHP file as a file on c drive (eg. C:\xamp\htdocs\data.php or file:///c:/xamp/htdocs/data.php) instead of as a webpage (ie //localhost/data.php).

I hope this will be helpful to you as well.


