php date of birth to age code example

Example 1: php get age from dob

Simple method for calculating Age from dob: $_age = floor((time() - strtotime('1986-09-16')) / 31556926); 31556926 is the number of seconds in a year.

Example 2: calculate person age by birthdate php

public function getAge($date)
        $dob = new DateTime($date);
        $now = new DateTime();
        $difference = $now->diff($dob);
        $age = $difference->y;
        return  $age;

Example 3: age php datetime

function get_age( $date ) { 
    $age = date('Y') - $date; 
   if (date('md') < date('md', strtotime($date))) { 
       return $age - 1; 
   return $age; 


Php Example