PHP preg_match_all search and replace

This is a very good case for using preg_replace_callback() but first let's polish your regex:

  1. Get rid of the e modifier, it's deprecated and you don't need it since we're going to use preg_replace_callback()

  2. We don't need to escape {{}} in this case, PCRE is smart enough to tell that they are not meant as quantifiers

  3. Since you got dots in your input, we need to change \w otherwise it will never match. [^}] is perfect since it means match anything except }

  4. I tend to use different delimiters, this is not required:


Let's get to serious business, the use identifier is going to be of great help here:

$replaces = array('testa.testb.testc' => '1', 'testc.testa' => '2', 'testf' => '3');
$text = '{{$testa.testb.testc}}<br>{{$testc.testa}}<br>{{$testf}}<br>{{$aaaaa}}<br>';

$output = preg_replace_callback('#{{\$([^}]+)}}#', function($m) use ($replaces){
    if(isset($replaces[$m[1]])){ // If it exists in our array
        return $replaces[$m[1]]; // Then replace it from our array
        return $m[0]; // Otherwise return the whole match (basically we won't change it)
}, $text);

echo $output;

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Well you are just using $matches and not $matches[0], that's why the code you posted does not work.

And your regex doesn't count the . with the \w, so let'z try with [\w.]+

(I used $matches[1] that contains directly the key we need, and then we don't need to use str_replace 2 times more)

$replaces = array('testa.testb.testc' => '1', 'testc.testa' => '2', 'testf' => '3');
$text = '{{$testa.testb.testc}}<br>{{$testc.testa}}<br>{{$testf}}<br>{{$aaaaa}}<br>';

preg_match_all('/\{\{\$([\w.]+)\}\}/', $text, $matches);


foreach($matches[1] as $match)
        $text = str_replace('{{$'.$match.'}}', $replaces[$match], $text);

echo $text;

This works and returns :


You don't need to use a regex for that since you are only dealing with fixed strings:

$replaces = array('testa.testb.testc' => 1, 'testc.testa' => 2, 'testf' => 3);
$keys = array_map(function ($item) {
    return '{{$' . $item . '}}'; }, array_keys($replaces));
$trans = array_combine($keys, $replaces);

$result = strtr($text, $trans);

Note that array_map is not needed if you write the replaces array like this:

$trans = array('{{$testa.testb.testc}}' => 1, '{{$testc.testa}}' => 2, '{{$testf}}' => 3);