Put Request body as a Map code example

Example: Put Request body as a Map

    public static void init() {

        RestAssured.baseURI = "http://..........";
        RestAssured.port = 8000;
        RestAssured.basePath = "/api";

    @DisplayName("Put Request body as a Map")
    public void testPutRequestWithMap() {

// put request to update spartan with id 421
// name : put with map  , gender : Male , phone : 1231231234
// status code 204
// how do I actually know it's updated since it does not have body in request
// we can make another get request right after this and assert the body
// getting random name
        String randomName = new Faker().name().firstName();

        Map<String,Object> updatedBody = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        updatedBody.put("name", randomName) ;
        updatedBody.put("gender", "Male") ;
        updatedBody.put("phone",8745124312L ) ;

                .body(updatedBody). // this is how we do it with the map
                .statusCode( is(204) )


Php Example