PHP script: malicious JavaScript code at the end

Looks like your server has been compromised, also are you on shared host?

You can find out security configuration of your server with:


alt text

I don't think that the problem is that you are using a shared host because I have found six others (degmsb, Benvolio, joomla01, DJ-Alien, valerione1979, and Kars) whose websites had the same script added. Also, it is doubtful that any of your files would be writable by others because files that are uploaded over FTP are subject to the file creation mode bits mask.

My best guess is that someone is cracking websites using either known exploits or exploits against common weaknesses, and that this person is identifying likely targets with Google hacking. degmsb's Wordpress website and Benvolio's Burning Board Lite website were likely cracked via known exploits (possibly known exploits of plugins to these software bases such as TinyMCE), and your website, since you wrote it yourself, was likely cracked via an exploit against a common website weakness.

Given that you allow file uploads (one of your PHP scripts accepts & saves files that are uploaded by your users), I would consider CWE-434: Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type. A CWE-434 exploit works like this: suppose you allow users to upload avatar images or pictures. The script to which uploaded images are POSTed might save the file to /images using the same filename that the user supplied. Now imagine that someone uploads x76x09.gif.php (or x76x09.gif.asp, x76x09.gif.php4, etc.). Your script will dutifully save this upload to /images/x76x09.gif.php and all that the cracker needs to do to have the server run this script is browse to /images/x76x09.gif.php. Even if the file is named x76x09.php.gif, some web servers will execute the file.

Another possibility is that the filename of the upload that PHP receives, $_FILES['upload']['name'], which is the filename value in the Content-Disposition header that is sent, was constructed to something like ..\modules\x.gif. If your script saved the newly-uploaded file to str_replace('\\', '/', '/images/' . basename($_FILES['upload']['name'])), or /images/../modules/x.gif on a non-Windows host (, and there was some way for the user to cause one of your PHP scripts to include or require any script in the modules directory (say index.php?module=x.gif&action=blah), then the cracker would be able to execute arbitrary PHP.

EDIT: It looks like x76x09.php is some sort of unrestricted directory browser and file uploader. If a user manages to get this uploaded to your server, then they can basically do anything that you can do with your FTP access. Delete it.

EDIT2: Look for copies of this PHP source (the part gzuncompress(base64_decode("HJ3H...geFb//eeff/79z/8A"));). Remove it from all of your PHP scripts.

EDIT3: Googling parts of the PHP script, I have found several webpages where this source is listed verbatim, and all of these pages have something to do with file uploading functionality for the respective websites. It therefore seems very likely that the hacker of your website used a CWE-434 exploit.

As others have suggested, the vulnerability is most likely in some script you are using, maybe something you've written yourself or then a well known application that has known vulnerabilities. This might be a vulnerability in an upload script, but I want to point out that it is also possible to "upload" files through SQL injection, see the following thread for more details

Who are you hosted with? Some hosters have security leaks that can get exploited.

Are you using WordPress? There's also been an number of reported outbreaks. The best thing to do would be google it looking for people with similar problems, which will also lead to the cause, which will lead to the solutions.