string in php all functions code example
Example 1: php string functions
#String Functions
substr() #Returns a portion of a string
$output = substr('Hello', 1, 3);
$output1 = substr('Hello', -2);
echo $output;
echo '<br>';
echo $output1;
strlen() #Returns the length of a string
$output = strlen('Hello');
echo $output;
strpos() #finds the position of the first occurence of a sub string
$output = strpos('Hello World', 'o');
echo $output;
$output1 = strrpos('Hello World', 'o'); #last occurance
echo $output1;
trim() # trims white space
$text = 'Hello World ';
echo '<br>';
$trimmed = trim($text);
echo $trimmed;
echo '<br>';
strtoupper() # makes everything uppercase
$text = 'Hello World';
$uppercase = strtoupper($text);
echo $uppercase;
strtolower() #makes everything lowercase
$text = 'Hello World';
$lowercase = strtolower($text);
echo $lowercase;
ucwords() #Capitalizes every word
$text = 'hello world';
$proppercase = ucwords($text);
echo $proppercase;
str_replace() #Replace all occurances of a search string
#with a replacement
$text = 'hello world';
$wordreplace = str_replace('world', 'john', $text);
echo $wordreplace;
is_string() #Checks to see if it is a string
$val = 'Hello';
$output = is_string($val);
echo $output;
echo '<br>';
$values = array(true, false, null, 'abc', 33, '33',
22.4, '22.4', '', ' ', 0, '0');
foreach($values as $value){
echo "{$value} is a string<br>";
gzcompress() # Compress a string
$string =
$compressed = gzcompress($string);
echo $compressed;
echo '<br>';
$original = gzuncompress($compressed);
echo $original;
Example 2: strings php
returning portion of a string