PHP usort() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, not in a class

If the code is not in a class, but you are using a namespace, usort expects the second parameter to have that namespace defined. But not in an array in similar style to using usort in a class.

This worked for me, where 'cmp' is the sorting function:

usort($arrayToSort, 'My\Full\Namespace\cmp');

I put the callback function inside the function in which I put the usort() and it worked.

function callerFn() {

    if (!function_exists('callbackFn'))   {
        function callbackFn() {}

    usort($arrayToSort, "callbackFn");


You can also do it as an unnamed function:

function callerFn() {

    usort($arrayToSort, function() {} );


In case this helps, (&since this is top of Google), I had to do this

class MyObj{
        var $Supplier;
        function cmp($m, $n) {
            if ($m->Supplier == $n->Supplier) {
                return 0;
            return ($m->Supplier < $n->Supplier) ? -1 : 1;
 usort($arrayToSort, array('My\Full\Namespace\MyObj', 'cmp'));