what is reporting code example

Example: reporting

There are different type of Cucumber reports. 

1. Pretty Report: It only generates a very
basic report on IntelliJ/Eclipse console.
We can make the console output more
readable by using 
"monochrome = true" under @CucumberOptions.

2. Cucumber Default Report: Generates 
cucumber default reports under target
directory. It also works as html format
but it is very basic type of html reports.
Only shows the test steps and which
is passed or failed. There is no pie chart,
percentage or any fancy chart. 

3. Json Report: It does not make sense
to read this json report for us.
It is mostly used from any other 
computer based system such as Jenkins
or Cucumber HTML Report. Jenkins and
Cucumber HTML reports use this 'json' 
file in order to generate their own reports. 
You can see; how those reports are
used within the @CucumberOptions.

        plugin = {
                    // ==> Generates json format report
                   // ==> Generates cucumber default reports
                   // ==> Generates pretty report on the console
        monochrome = true,                   
               // ==> Makes the pretty report more readable
        features = "src/test/resources/features",
        glue = "com/bookit/step_definitions",
        dryRun = false,
        tags = "@api and @print_room_names"

4. Cucumber HTML Reports: It is also called 
as Cucumber JVM Report. It provides very 
detailed reports for each tag/step/scenario
with very fancy pie charts, bar charts,
tables and percentage of the pass/fail ratio. 
This report uses the json report to generate
its own report and converts into different format.
It means that we cannot generate Cucumber
HTML Report without json in our @CucumberOptions.
In order to generate this report, we have to
add a plugin into pom.xml file. 
Also, we have to use the 'verify' goal of 
the maven lifecycle in <phase> tag under plugin.
Which means that we have to click verify on
top right of the IntelliJ window under Maven
Life Cycle and run as 'verify' in order to
get the new report.
(Or we can use terminal/command line with 'mvn verify').
Because 'mvn verify' generates the json 
report and the Cucumber HTML Report uses
this json. See how it is used in pom.xml.

        <artifactId>maven-cucumber-reporting</artifactId> ====> Comes from mvn repository
                <phase>verify</phase> ======> choose verify in order to generate json report
                    <projectName>Bookit Automation</projectName>
                    <outputDirectory>${project.build.directory}</outputDirectory>  ===> ***

*** it means report files will be generated 
directly under the target directory


Php Example