phpMyAdmin error: #1054 - Unknown column 'systeem_eisen' in 'order clause'
For me the only way was to set the order to an existing column under the search options:
I ran into this same issue and none of these suggestions worked for me. The cause in my case was that phpmyadmin had a sort for the altered/dropped column and I needed to fix it. Here is what resolved it for me.
In phpmyadmin, select your database in the left navigation pane. You will see all your tables, and in this case we are interested in 'systeem_eisen'
. Once you've found the table click on Structure
You'll now see all the columns in the table. All you should need to do is remove the sort or change it accordingly.
You should now be able to open your table.
Goto phpmyadmin database you will see the pma_table_uiprefs. It stores thoses "cached" preferences and you could delete or edit them.