phpMyadmin error "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break"

I had the same, and fixed it by editing the php script FormDisplay.php.

On line 661, replace continue with break (keep the semi-colon).

If you do edit, you'll need sudo access, but back up the original one first.

Reload the page. Hope that helps.

This error occurs by PHP backward-compatible.

Updating to the latest version, for me was 4.8.5 resolved the issue.

Edit PHP script in the file FormDisplay.php At this line 660, I found this code in this path

$ /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/config/FormDisplay.php

enter image description here

case 'select':
     $successfully_validated = $this->_validateSelect(
     if (! $successfully_validated) {
         $this->_errors[$work_path][] = __('Incorrect value!');
         $result = false;

Update it as per below suggestion

case 'select':
     $successfully_validated = $this->_validateSelect(
     if (! $successfully_validated) {
         $this->_errors[$work_path][] = __('Incorrect value!');
         $result = false;

enter image description here

Reload PHPMyAdmin and your issue will get resolved.