PhpStorm – how to upload only modified files?

commit your project using PHPStorm (Ctrl+K)

it will open a window with lots of options to ease you the committing

also, there is "After Commit" tab, there you can choose from default servers you previously configured (Tool > Deployment) to upload files to

this way with the help of VCS only changed files will be uploaded to your server

First of all, I don't recommend using FTP for projects where security required. (By FTP connections password and data travels in a non-encrypted format, so it can be stolen easily. The only exception when the uploaded files (probably packages) are signed and the digital signature is checked on the server before doing anything with them. Afaik. PHAR is the default lib for that, but it is relative easy to encrypt and sign any zip file, if you put the signature into the file name. Don't confuse digital signature with md5 or sha1 hash.)

By simple projects with FTP I use git-ftp.

Installation (by windows, but I think it works every system as well)

git bash
$ cd ~
$ git clone git-ftp.git
$ cd git-ftp.git && chmod +x git-ftp
$ cp ~/git-ftp.git/git-ftp /bin/git-ftp


      [git-ftp "myscope"]
        url =
        user = user
        password = pass


git-ftp catchup -s myscope //by this the FTP and the local copy must be in perfect sync


git ftp push -s myscope

You have to use a .git-ftp-ignore file to define what you don't want to upload.

I usually use git-ftp with git merge and commit hooks.


    branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
    if [ $branch == "master" ]; then
        git ftp push -s myscope

With those git-ftp automagically uploads by any changes of the master branch. Ofc I use master branch for releases only, for development I use another branches...

Go to File > Settings, on Project Settings choose Deployment. Add a FTP server and mark it as default. Click OK to close the dialog window.

Now go to Tools > Deployment > Options. Choose the action trigger where you see: Upload changed files automatically to the default server

I hope it helps!

