Phpstorm zen coding: insert <?php ?> tag

In PhpStorm2016.1 must change Applicable in Value to HTML .

Go to File -> Setting -> Editor -> Code Style -> Live Templates On right sidebar click on "+" then : Abbreviation : (for example) p Template text : Applicatin :change the value to HTMLl like befor then click on ok .

enter image description here

No there is not, You can set it by Going to File -> Settings -> -- IDE Settings -- -> Live Templates -> Add And using the following values:-

Abbreviation: php
Group: user
Template Text: <?php $END$ ?>
Context: Check HTML

In newer versions of PhpStorm(2019.* or higher) adding the shortcut is a little bit different.

First go to File -> Settings (or simply press CTRL + ALT + S). Open Editor tab and find Live Templates tab. Select PHP and click small blue plus icon at the right sidebar, select live template and:

  1. Type shortcut on Abbreviation input.
  2. Type <?php $END$ ?> on template text area.
  3. Define applicable context like php and html.
  4. If you want to expand with another key instead tab, you must define another expand key.

Click Apply and OK buttons. That's it.


