PHPUnit: get arguments to a mock method call

Here's the trick I used. I added this private method to my test class:

private function captureArg( &$arg ) {
    return $this->callback( function( $argToMock ) use ( &$arg ) {
        $arg = $argToMock;
        return true;
    } );

Then when setting up the mock:

$mock->expects( $this->once() )
    ->method( 'someMethod' )
    ->with( $this->captureArg( $arg ) );

After that, $arg contains the value of the argument passed to the mock.

One thing - inside the closure you still can access $this, in that case it gives you:

    ->will($this->returnCallback(function($patient) {

Make the Mock objects method return the first argument:

$this->patientDao                    // This is my mock
            ->method('savePatient') // savePatient() must be called once

You can then assert that it is NULL.

You can make assertions on the argument using returnCallback(). Remember to call assert functions statically via PHPUnit_Framework_Assert because you cannot use self inside a closure.

        ->will($this->returnCallback(function($patient) {