Picking random element by user defined weights

I use this function in several PHP game engines:

 * @param array $values - just the weights
 * @return integer A number between 0 and count($values) - 1
function getBucketFromWeights($values) {
    $total = $currentTotal = $bucket = 0;
    $firstRand = mt_rand(1, 100);

    foreach ($values as $amount) {
        $total += $amount;

    $rand = ($firstRand / 100) * $total;

    foreach ($values as $amount) {
        $currentTotal += $amount;

        if ($rand > $currentTotal) {
        else {

    return $bucket;


Suppose I have the user weights in an associative array where each string points to its weight:

$weighted_strings = array(
    "important string" => 100,
    "terrible string" => 10,
    "never string" => 0,
    // etc

If I wanted to pull a string based on weight, I'd do this:

$weights = array_values($weighted_strings);
$strings = array_keys($weighted_strings);
$index = getBucketFromWeights($weights);
$selectedString = $strings[$index];