Pip doesn't install Twisted on Windows
Use this link. http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#twisted.
Its a repository for unofficial modules, but works every time for me. Use win32 version.
I had the same problem too but I solved it as follow:
Open the Anaconda Prompt as administrator (For Windows10
: open cortana
/write Anaconda Prompt
/choose Run as Administrator
You should go to the path of Anaconda, for me was like:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd ..
C:\>cd ProgramData
C:\ProgramData>cd Anaconda3
Then you should run the following command
C:\ProgramData>Anaconda3>conda install -c anaconda twisted
At some point it asks
Proceed ([y]/n)?
type y
. Now twisted
is installed.