pip-installed uWSGI ./python_plugin.so error

Distros should package uWSGI in a modular way, with each feature as a plugin. But when you install using language specific ways (pip, gem...) the relevant language is embedded, so you do not need to load the plugin

Maybe you forgot this command

$ apt-get install uwsgi-plugin-python

If you're using Python3, try this command instead:

$ apt-get install uwsgi-plugin-python3

For anyone that is having trouble with this, basically you need to remove lines that state your plugin from your configuration files if you change from a distro package to a pypi or gem install. I was previously using the Ubuntu/Debian package for uwsgi, but it was old so I upgraded to use pip instead.

So, in my configuration .ini file, I had the following line:

plugin = python

Removing that line fixes the problem.


