Piwik Localhost Tracking

You need to add your IP to the trusted_hosts[] configuration. If you installed Piwik under localhost, it will only accept tracking requests if called under that name.

In config.ini.php add:

trusted_hosts[] = localhost
trusted_hosts[] =

Where is your IP address within your LAN:

This config [General] trusted_hosts[] = localhost

says on which address you can access Piwik, its admin panel. If you want to track LAN page you have to modify its Tracking code. To get right for you tracking code (it will not work if you have dynamic IP in your network):

  • add to trusted_hosts IP address you have in LAN
  • enter Piwik Admin Panel not by localhost but by your LAN address eg.
  • Now all tracking codes will have your IP as server address and will fire requests to your computer where Piwik is installed.


This all happens because when you enter Piwik Admin Panel from your localhost all tracking codes will have localhost as you Piwik address. So if somebody enters webpage with tracking code, browser will try to communicate with user localhost which is: His Computer. and probably he doesn't have your Piwik.

