Apple - .pkg for installer hangs on verify

Ran into this with some other software, but wanted to pass on a tip I picked up.

In finder, launch /System/Library/CoreServices/ It will prompt you to locate a .pkg file to install. Navigate to the .dmg volume you've mounted, and select the xxxxxMDKxxxxx.pkg file.

Installation should proceed normally from there.


For installer:

  1. Open the Finder
  2. Navigate to Go menu
  3. Select the Go to Folder submenu.
  4. Copy the file path into it.
  5. Press Enter
  6. Locate the .dmg or .mpkg package.
  7. Voila you are done.

Not a verified answer but I can't comment: try to disable Rootless System Integrity as indicated here.

Source: OSXDaily says "Mac users may need to disable rootless SIP protection in OS X before being able to successfully install Java, but you can enable it again after it has been installed. If you get stuck on “verifying…” during the installation process of Java, it’s because of rootless."