Play Framework config value in view

Update for Play 2.5.x

In Play Scala 2.5.x, method current in object Play is deprecated. In order to read a value from conf/application.conf, you have to use DI instead.

Inject play.api.Configuration in your controller :

class MyController @Inject() (val configuration: play.api.Configuration) extends Controller

Then, you can directly use configuration in your methods :

def sayMyName = Action { request =>
   Ok("Your name is " + configuration.getString(""))

You can also use configuration in your view Twirl template :

def sayMyNameUsingView = Action { request =>
   implicit lazy val config = configuration

Send the injected configuration as implicit to the given index.scala.html

@()(implicit val configuration:play.api.Configuration)
    <h1>Your name is @configuration.getString("")</h1> 

Update for Play 2...

In Play Scala 2.3.x, to read a value from conf/application.conf, you can do the following:

import play.api.Play.current

You can use following code sample to do so:


Also see