Plotting a normal curve over a histogram
With your definitions of rolls
and sums
, you can find the parameters for the corresponding normal distribution by calculating the mean and standard deviation of sums
directly, using Mean
and StandardDeviation
, or more generally using FindDistributionParameters
pdf = PDF[NormalDistribution[mu, sigma] /.
FindDistributionParameters[sums, NormalDistribution[mu, sigma]]]
With those in hand, you can plot the histogram and the PDF of the calculated distribution. Here I shown them both scaled as PDFs:
Plot[pdf[x], {x, 0, 35}, PlotStyle -> Directive[Thickness[0.01], Red]],
Histogram[sums, {0.5, 31.5, 1}, "PDF"]
Alternatively if you want it expressed in counts, you have to account for the total number of rolls:
Plot[10000 pdf[x], {x, 0, 35}, PlotStyle -> Directive[Thickness[0.01], Red]],
Histogram[sums, {0.5, 31.5, 1}]
Incidentally, I would recommend calculating rolls
in one go as follows, rather than with nested tables:
rolls = RandomChoice[Range[6], {10000, 5}];
Here's a way to take advantage of some of the built-in probability stuff. I couldn't find or remember what distribution does the sum of dice. TransformedDistribution
didn't work (or I made an error). Note: For the normal distribution, we use the theoretical mean and standard deviation instead of empirical estimates of them based on sample sum.
dicedist = DiscreteUniformDistribution[Table[{1, 6}, {5}]];
(* roll the dice *)
(* {1, 6, 4, 6, 5} *)
mu = Total@Mean[dicedist];
sd = Sqrt@Total@Variance[dicedist];
Histogram[Total /@ RandomVariate[dicedist, 2000], Automatic, "PDF"],
Plot[PDF[NormalDistribution[mu, sd], x], {x, 5, 30}]
An interactive demonstration:
Histogram[Total /@ RandomVariate[dicedist, n], Automatic, "PDF"],
Plot[PDF[NormalDistribution[mu, sd], x], {x, 5, 30}],
PlotRange -> {{4.5, 30.5}, {-0.01,
1.5 PDF[NormalDistribution[mu, sd], mu]}},
Frame -> True, PlotLabel -> HoldForm["n" == #] &@n, Axes -> False
{n, 20, 10000, 10}]
rolls = Table[Table[RandomChoice[Range[6]], {5}], {10000}];
sums = Total /@ rolls;
fig1 = Histogram[sums, {0.5, 31.5, 1}, "PDF"];
mean = Mean@sums;
std = StandardDeviation@sums;
fig2 = Plot[PDF[NormalDistribution[mean, std], x], {x, 0, 30},
Ticks -> None, Axes -> None];
Show[{fig1 , fig2}]
If you wanna use count, then
rolls = Table[Table[RandomChoice[Range[6]], {5}], {10000}];
sums = Total /@ rolls;
fig1 = Histogram[sums, {0.5, 31.5, 1}];
mean = Mean@sums;
std = StandardDeviation@sums;
fig2 = Plot[PDF[NormalDistribution[mean, std], x], {x, 0, 30},
Ticks -> None, Axes -> None];
Overlay[{fig1 , fig2}]