Plotting functions witz Tikz - where does this hole come from?
The answer to the question why there is a gap is
because LaTeX is not a computer algebra system.
So we have to help TikZ to do the right thing. In any case, if we want a smooth, continuous curve, we might want to draw each component in one stroke. This can be achieved by choosing a different parametrization such as
\draw[blue!50!black] plot[domain=-2:2,smooth,thick,samples=101]
\draw[blue!50!black] plot[domain=-2:2,smooth,thick,samples=101]
A perhaps even simpler reparametrization is
\draw[blue!50!black] plot[domain=-4:4,smooth,thick,samples=101]
\draw[blue!50!black] plot[domain=-4:4,smooth,thick,samples=101]